Monday, November 25, 2013

Musou Orochi 2 Ultimate Team Combos (Hyper & Special) #3 - Shennong, Nu Wa, Fu Xi

Alright, this is coming along rather quickly and nicely now. This is team combo number three out of four total, which means there's only one more left to go! Video: Why were these characters chosen? Shennong was the obligatory character here, as he's obviously from the new cast of Hyper and Special. I'm never quite fond of Shennong myself, as his character came off as a fruit in my eyes. Sorry, Shennong fans! Nevertheless, I must say his moveset and weapon is quite versatile and can be given endless possibilities with combos. Along with Nu Wa and Fu Xi, these three characters makes up the mystic team that KOEI TECMO has blessed with...

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Musou Orochi 2 Ultimate Team Combos (Hyper & Special) #2 - Momiji, Zhen Ji, Zhong Hui

Continuing on my work towards my soon to be released Musou Orochi 2 Ultimate - Team Combos Compilation (Hyper & Special) video, here is video footage #2 and team combo of Momiji, Zhen Ji, Zhong Hui. Just so you know, I do plan on releasing the rest of the video footage before the 28th of Thursday. That is of course, when Shin Sangoku Musou 7: Moushouden (Dynasty Warriors 8: Xtreme Legends) will be released in Japan. And yes, I do plan on obtaining that game and providing cool video footage of it—you know me; I never say no to another Musou game that isn't about Gundams and random animes! But just so I don't spoil everything, I'm going...

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Musou Orochi 2 Ultimate Team Combos (Hyper & Special) #1 - Rachel, Masamune Date, Guo Hai

As you may not have know, I'm currently working on putting out another Musou Orochi 2 Ultimate Team Combos Compilation video, now focused on the newly introduced characters in Hyper and Special, instead of Ultimate. I'm usually very secretive about these types of combo compilation videos. Prior to the video being publicly released, I'm only potentially handing out the video title and detailing what it's basically going to be about, but never shed any real light on the actual combos and characters being used. Why's that? I want the video to exert as much surprise and awe as possible in one go. If I were to give everything away, that would...

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Soul Gateway - One Stop for Cameo and Original CaS for Soulcalibur V

I like to dedicate today’s post to one of my top affiliates on my YouTube channel - Soul Gateway. This is the only segment that’s left of a once large internet project for Soulcalibur CaS (Create-a-Soul), and one that shall stay permanently online. The Soul Gateway channel was intended to showcase viewers on CreatiVe Souls (a Soulcalibur V CaS website) on how to recreate custom character creations shown on the website. If you haven’t visited this channel yet, you should definitely opt to do so. Even if you don’t play or care for Soulcalibur V, I’m sure you’ll take a liking to the custom character creations on there, both cameos and originals—some...

Monday, November 11, 2013

Freebie: Musou Orochi 2 Ultimate Gallery Images

Here is a little freebie today for all Musou fans: gallery images from Musou Orochi 2 Ultimate in HD resolution. Samples: DOWNLOAD HERE - 103MB Note: Only images exclusive to the game are included. Images that are taken from past games, such as Musou Orochi Z, can be found at: If you prefer to browse the images manually, I also uploaded the entire album here:

Google+ YouTube Comments - Why People Are Overeacting

It seems everybody nowadays are severely resistant against any change, regardless of any positive or negative impact it may cause. I'm sure you can somewhat relate, as nobody likes it when they are finally accustomed to something, then have it abruptly change in front of their eyes. Then again, YouTube is no newbie to this, as they are the culprit to changing and screwing around with their site hundreds of times. Google+ rolling out their "better" commenting system caused one of the most massive outrage on the internet, even potentially surpassing the outrage caused by the very first 2.0 channel layout back in 2009. It also spawned numerous...

Friday, November 8, 2013

SAVEDATA.JP - Ultimate Website for all Your Japanese Game Save Needs!

I know I mentioned SAVEDATA.JP earlier in November 4th's post titled "Musou Orochi 2 Japanese Platinum Game Save"; however, I felt like this awesome website deserves a more honorable and noticeable mention. I also wanted to give a little tutorial on how to navigate the website (whether you understand Japanese or not) and how to download game saves and find game save codes (for usage with Bruteforce Save Data). So basically, if you're reading this post and are thus far interested, you should head on over to SAVEDATA.JP now. By the way, give it a bookmark as I'm sure you will refer back to it in the future. When you first arrive at the website,...

Monday, November 4, 2013

Musou Orochi 2 Japanese Platinum Game Save

For those of you who are seeking a spare Musou Orochi 2 Japanese game save for whatever reason, then here is a near perfect one to use. This game save has platinum trophy status, meaning all trophies in the game have been completed. You can also ensure that everything is unlocked, including stages and characters. This game save is fully compatible with Musou Orochi 2 Ultimate (Japan region) and can be used to transfer all existing data from the original game to the new game, so you can avoid having to start again from the beginning. DOWNLOAD MUSOU OROCHI 2 GAME SAVE - 909KB Note: PARAM.SFO file is not included. To use, you must run the...

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