Monday, December 30, 2013

Musou Orochi 2 Ultimate - English Release Date and Weapon Attributes English Translations

I didn't really meant to make this an actual blog post, but I've been getting two particular questions regarding Musou Orochi 2 Ultimate from viewers continously. Hence, I might as well make a big public post about it for everyone. When will Musou Orochi 2 Ultimate be released in English for North America and Europe? At this moment I'm typing, neither KOEI TECMO Japan or NA/EU has made a public announcement regarding whether the game will be localized to English, that includes specific dates. However, one of the company's officials (鯉沼P - Koinuma) has tweeted they might release an English version in summer of 2014. Here is the link to the...

Saturday, December 28, 2013

YouTube: Freedom MCN + Why Being Managed Equates to Huge Risks!

Earlier this December, a new YouTube MCN (network) popped up offering some rather drooltastic benefits that may rival that of Curse Union for Gamers. Founded by George from TGN, Freedom network is designed to be a network for anyone in any category, that emphasizes in freedom from YouTube and other networks' limitations. It offers the following: No lock-in forever Managed status instead of affiliate for every channel No minimum payout (if you earn $1, they'll pay you $1) 60% revenue share, growing up to 110% Transparency (view all your earnings direct on YouTube) You may recalled I praised Curse Union for Gamers for potentially moving...

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Dynasty Warriors 8: Xtreme Legends Review (Xtremely Long Version)

Note: This review is based upon the Japanese version of the game (Shin Sangoku Musou 7: Moushouden) and uses translated names. English names of certain things may be different in the English release. INTRODUCTION Dynasty Warriors marks its 8th iteration almost one year ago and certainly, it's no astonishment that this upcoming year marks another Xtreme Legends expansion for the game. The Xtreme Legends series have always been considered the true expansions to the original games, whereas the Empires series are deemed more as spin-offs. Therefore, if you have arrived expecting more of the same, then there's not a whole lick that's going...

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Curse Union for Gamers - May Be the Best Gaming YouTube Network 2014 and Beyond

I know I've talked about YouTube's upcoming monetization change regarding YouTube networks for the past few days and you all are probably sick of it, but this may be the last you'll hear from me until it actually goes into effect. I was reading around on YouTube community forums and stumbled upon a network I've never heard about and desperately wished I had from the start—Curse Union for Gamers. Just simply clicking on the link above and going to their website will amaze anyone with what they're offering to their partners if you join their network, including: Custom-designed tools to help you manage your video content      A...

YouTube January Monetization Changes - What's Actually Going to Happen

Two days ago, I wrote a post detailing a very significant YouTube change starting January that may cause a negative effect for channels that upload gameplay footage. I would like to just clear up some misinformation on that post, as I researched a bit more on the subject. I do apologize if I sounded like I didn't know what I was talking about, as the information I brought up then was derived by merely one YouTube video and an e-mail from my network. So here is basically what's going to happen: For those who are not aware of the few changes to MCNs (Multi-Channel Networks) and its partners here's some highlights to what's going on:...

Friday, December 6, 2013

January YouTube Partner Monetization Changes May Equal DOOM For Us!

I recently received a very upsetting e-mail from my YouTube partner network RPM Networks. If you read the message in this e-mail, it will be very clear why this change may mean the demise of a lot of channels on YouTube who are under a network. Take in particular the text colored red. Hello, Makers! YouTube is in the process of rolling out some updates to the partnership program. Since you’re part of the RPM Network family, we want to make sure you’re equipped to go full-speed on day one! We’ve prepared a summary of upcoming changes, plus a list of instructions on how to thrive in the updated ecosystem. Lastly, we’ll give you a sneak peek into how we’ll help you grow through the end of 2013. Let’s get right to it:   BASICS  First, your channel is still a member of RPM...

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Dynasty Warriors 8: Xtreme Legends - List of What's New + Changes

I've been observing a lot of interesting things that are different or new while playing, so I decided to develop this unofficial list to help others learn more about this game. These are likely not all of everything, but almost all of them I have confirmed myself. NEW ADDITIONS AND FEATURES ‣ New characters are added: Yu Jin, Zhu Ran, Fa Zheng, Chen Gong and Lu Lingqi. ‣ Lu Kingdom is now available through Story Mode and follows the story of Lu Bu and his army. The story is full length with an IF branch and cutscenes. ‣ A supplementary IF story scenario is available for the kingdoms of Wei, Wu, Shu and Jin. Features short, segmented...

Monday, December 2, 2013

Dragon's Crown Super Sexy, True to Game Amazon and Sorceress Figurines

Let us have a moment to enjoy the brilliance of these Japanese sculpted Dragon's Crown figurines of the Amazon and Sorceress! You can buy these off eBay if you're rich and desperate enough. Here are purchase links to the Amazon and the Sorceress. ...

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