Thursday, December 18, 2014

Creative Nation is launching a new YouTube Network for gamers that gives you 100% revenue share!

"We're launching a gamers+ network option very soon which I think you will be interested. We can offer you 100% of your revenue."  are the words that echoed from a new upcoming YouTube Network for gamers called Gamers+, which is scheduled to be up and running in approximately 30 days. Here is a screenshot of what the network offers and its incredibly hefty requirements: Yes, I said hefty requirements, especially the view count. After my departure from Maker Gen today, I'm trying to join a different network. I may qualify for Gamers+, but I'm not going to jump on board just yet. It's generally wise to wait until a few reviews rolls...

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Dynasty Warriors 8: Empires - Some Original CAWs Using New Parts and My Initial Thoughts on the Game

I've been having some fun with character creation in Dynasty Warriors 8: Empires lately, so much that I've neglected playing the actual game. Although I have to say that I was rather disappointed that the actual playable character editing portion remained identical to the 7th Empires. All those cool new features from Samurai Warriors 4's character creation, specifically uploading custom photos for your character's portrait and design on your clothing were missing. Rather, custom photos is only exclusively available for flag customization, which is a shame. Also, there weren't even any new hairstyles besides like two, not including certain head...

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