Thursday, October 31, 2013

Musou Orochi 2 Ultimate (Warriors Orochi 3 Ultimate) Review

Note: This review is based upon the Japanese version of the game (Musou Orochi 2 Ultimate) and uses translated names. English names of certain things may be different in the English release. INTRODUCTION Musou Orochi 2 Ultimate, or if you would like to be future optimistic, Warriors Orochi 3 Ultimate, is a re-release of 2012's Musou Orochi 2 with new content. Albeit having expansion characteristics including new characters, features and storyline, it goes beyond that classification by including every content in the original game without the need to swap discs back and forth. A stand-alone expansion, or expandalone if you want to call...

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Warriors Orochi 3 Combo/Challenge Setup

Viewer Brandon Schmierer wrote the following e-mail to me a few days ago: "Hey Wonderpierrot, I have been loving your videos and when you started posting Musou Orochi 2 Ultimate videos it encouraged me to re-buy WO3 for my ps3. However I haven't been able to find what attributes you use on your weapons. I have been doing the typical setups that people use on Tier lists: Bolt Wind Slay Agility Osmosis and Absorption with the remaining 2 slots being either Typhoon/Echo/Reach. However playing chaos with these attributes makes it too easy, so I was wondering if you had a medium level setup that could still clear chaos but not make it be too...

Friday, October 11, 2013

Hauppauge HD-PVR Fixed, and Early!

You know how I said two days ago that the culprit to my Hauppauge HD-PVR malfunctioning was the power supply? Well, I was absolutely right! Earlier, I checked the shipment status of the replacement power supply I ordered October 9th on eBay. To my dismay, it still hasn't shipped—even though the seller clearly states that they always ship the same day of payment... Pfft... Just as a shot in the dark, I additionally wrote a nice e-mail to Hauppauge themselves about the failing power supply and if they could send me a new one (keep in mind I'm nearly 3 years pass the warranty). Now, I've been very pleased with Hauppauge's customer support over the years I've own the HD-PVR. At one time (still pass the warranty), I requested a replacement driver/software CD because I lost my original one. Hauppauge...

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

My HD-PVR is finally dead... or is it???

Earlier tonight as I was powering my gaming and recording center to record more gameplay videos for YouTube, I noticed my HD-PVR was no longer powering up video to my HDTV. I plugged in the USB cable to my laptop and Windows uttered an annoying message that the "USB device has malfunctioned and could not be recognized". Now, this usually happens sporadically over the last year I've been using the HD-PVR. Meaning, it would sometimes fail to work properly and then abruptly work properly again until it fails again. Replugging all the electronics and powering them up various times and resetting the video settings on the PS3 always solves the...

Monday, October 7, 2013

Optimizing Your Video Title, Description and Tags for YouTube

I've been on YouTube for around 7 years and I've seen far too many people make mistakes with their video titles, description and tags. Hence, I'd like to share with everyone my tips to best optimize your video title, description and tags to ensure good ranking and high viewership. Title: The video title is the most important and crucial part of a video. It's after all what Google and YouTube predominately uses in its search algorithm to rank and bring up video results in its search engine. Make sure your video title is as descriptive and specific as possible and avoid vagueness like the plague. Ensure you don't make the same mistakes I...

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