
Thursday, August 22, 2013

Declining a Podcast Appearance + YouTube Channel News

I like to give a large shout out to Get a Life Podcast, as they gave me a very nice invitation to become a guest on one of their episodes, which was to be dedicated to Japanese games, KOEI and Dynasty Warriors.

This episode was to include other guests and one of them I noticed was Chin Soon Sun! I was like, hey... I know that guy! That guy is awesome and loves KOEI and Dynasty Warriors games as much as I do.

Shamefully, due to personal complications, I was unable to accept their invitation. So I declined it.

Here is the e-mail message they sent me this morning:

 This is what I responded with:

You can read my response to see exactly why I didn't want to participate.

Regardless whether or not I'm on it, I'm certainly sure it'll be a very fun, informative and interesting podcast episode they'll be putting up, especially for KOEI and Dynasty Warriors fans. So I encourage you to search them up and check out them out when you have the time.

In other news, I will have to announce my next video on YouTube will not be until some time, perhaps even until September. Like I mentioned in my e-mail response to Get a Life Podcast, I am still attempting to get over my bad cold I caught around August 4th. I still sound like crap and to make matters worse, I'm starting to get muscle aches around my ribs. It's not all Hell, as it's getting better every day, but it's making it very difficult to make any videos.

I've got to say—this is the worst time possible to get sick. I wanted to do so much this month!


  1. You're still sick? That sucks! It would be so cool to hear you on that podcast, but if you can't do it of course don't try to. We will gladly wait until you get better! Take care bro!

  2. That sounded like an awesome podcast. D=

  3. You're so popular wonderpierrot, getting paired with Hollywood stars and game producers! Get well soon we will all await your speedy recovery! :)

  4. dang, i would wanted to hear that. i still do but it would be even better if you were on it.
